{"DomainID":126,"classname":"glassy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"allitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"amorphic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"glauconitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"gypsic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"diatomaceous earth","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"kaolinitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"ferrihydritic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"ferritic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"ferruginous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"gibbsitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"parasesquic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"sesquic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"siliceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"smectitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"vermiculitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"carbonatic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"illitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"isotic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"mixed","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"magnesic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"hypergypsic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"micaceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"opaline","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"anhydritic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"halloysitic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes","chapter":17,"page":325,"description":"The mineralogy of soils is known to be useful in making predictions about soil behavior and responses to management. Some mineralogy classes occur or are important only in certain taxa or particle-size classes, and others are important in all particle-size classes. A mineralogy class is assigned to all mineral soils, except for Quartzipsamments.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"marly","group":"Organic Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes Applied Only to Limnic Subgroups","chapter":17,"page":332,"description":"Limnic materials (defined in chapter 3) with a thickness of 5 cm or more are mineralogy class criteria if the soil does not also have ferrihumic mineralogy. The following family classes are used: coprogenous, diatomaceous, and marly.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"coprogenous","group":"Organic Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes Applied Only to Limnic Subgroups","chapter":17,"page":332,"description":"Limnic materials (defined in chapter 3) with a thickness of 5 cm or more are mineralogy class criteria if the soil does not also have ferrihumic mineralogy. The following family classes are used: coprogenous, diatomaceous, and marly.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":126,"classname":"ferrihumic","group":"Organic Family","name":"Mineralogy Classes Applied Only to Terric Subgroups","chapter":17,"page":332,"description":"For Histosols and Histels in Terric subgroups, use the same key to mineralogy classes as that used for mineral soils unless a Histosol also has ferrihumic mineralogy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over pumiceous or cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over clayey-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy-pumiceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over medial","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over medial-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over coarse-gypseous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy-skeletal over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over fine-gypseous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"cindery over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"cindery over medial","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"cindery over medial-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-silty","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-silty over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy-skeletal over fragmental or cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"ashy-skeletal over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-loamy over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-loamy over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-silty","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-silty over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-silty over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-silty over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"gypseous-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous over clayey-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous-pumiceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"hydrous-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy over ashy or ashy-pumiceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy over coarse-gypseous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy over fine-gypseous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy over pumiceous or cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over gypseous-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"clayey-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-gypseous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-loamy over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"coarse-loamy over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over clayey-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over hydrous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-gypseous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"fine-loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial-pumiceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial-skeletal over fragmental or cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial-skeletal over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"pumiceous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over medial-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"pumiceous or ashy-pumiceous over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"sandy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"sandy over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"sandy over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"sandy-skeletal over loamy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"very-fine","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy-skeletal over cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy-skeletal over clayey","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy-skeletal over gypseous-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy-skeletal over sandy or sandy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"loamy-skeletal over fragmental","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over ashy-pumiceous or ashy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over loamy-skeletal","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over ashy","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":127,"classname":"medial over pumiceous or cindery","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Key to the Particle-Size and Substitute Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":319,"description":"This key, like other keys in this taxonomy, is designed in such a way that the reader makes the correct classification by going through the key systematically, starting at the beginning and eliminating one by one all classes that include criteria that do not fit the soil or layer in question. The class or substitute name for each layer within the control section must be determined from the key. If any two layers meet the criteria for strongly contrasting particle-size classes (listed below), the soil is named for that strongly contrasting class. If more than one pair meets the criteria for strongly contrasting classes, the soil is also in an aniso class named for the pair of adjacent classes that contrast most strongly. If the soil has none of the strongly contrasting classes, the weighted average soil materials within the particle-size control section generally determine the class. Exceptions are soils that are not strongly contrasting and that have a substitute class name for one or more parts of the control section. In these soils the class or substitute name of the thickest (cumulative) part within the control section is used to determine the family name.","criteria":["A. Mineral soils that have, in the thickest part of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, a fine-earth component (including associated medium and finer pores) of less than 10 percent of the total volume and that meet one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike [see footnote] fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, two-thirds or more (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Pumiceous or 2. Have, in the whole soil, more than 60 percent (by weight) volcanic ash, cinders, lapilli, pumice, and pumicelike fragments and, in the fraction 2 mm or larger in diameter, less than two-thirds (by volume) pumice and/or pumicelike fragments.","Cindery or 3. Other soils that have a fine-earth component of less than 10 percent (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume.","Fragmental or B. Other mineral soils that have a fine-earth component of 10 percent or more (including associated medium and finer pores) of the total volume and meet, in the thickest portion of the control section (if the control section is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a portion of the control section that qualifies as a part in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, one of the following sets of substitute class criteria:","1. They:","a. Have andic soil properties and have a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 30 percent on undried samples and less than 12 percent on dried samples; or","b. Do not have andic soil properties, have 30 percent or more of the fine-earth fraction in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction, and have a volcanic glass content (by grain count) of 30 percent or more in the 0.02 to 2.0 mm fraction; and","c. Have one of the following; (1) A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Ashy-pumiceous or (2) 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy-skeletal or (3) Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Ashy or 2. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of less than 100 percent on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Medial-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial-skeletal or c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Medial or 3. They have a fine-earth fraction that has andic soil properties and that has a water content at 1500 kPa tension of 100 percent or more on undried samples; and","a. Have a total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock and pararock fragments, of which two-thirds or more (by volume) is pumice or pumicelike fragments.","Hydrous-pumiceous or b. Have 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous-skeletal or [see footnote] Pumicelikevesicular pyroclastic materials other than pumice that have an apparent specific gravity (including vesicles) of less than 1.0 g/cm3 .","c. Have less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Hydrous or 4. They have, in the fraction less than 20 mm in diameter, 40 percent of more (by weight) gypsum and one of the following:","a. A total of 35 percent or more (by volume) rock fragments.","Gypseous-skeletal or b. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments and 50 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 2.0 mm.","Coarse-gypseous or c. Less than 35 percent (by volume) rock fragments.","Fine-gypseous or Note: In the following classes, \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Carbonates of clay size are treated as silt. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section or part of the particle-size control section in strongly contrasting classes, then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula:","Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","C. Other mineral soils that, in the thickest part of the control section (if part of the control section has a substitute for particle-size class and is not in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below), or in a part of the control section that qualifies as an element in one of the strongly contrasting particle-size classes listed below, or throughout the control section, meet one of the following sets of particle-size class criteria:","1. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy-skeletal or 2. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume) and less than 35 percent (by weight) clay.","Loamy-skeletal or 3. Have a total content of rock fragments, plus any artifacts 2 mm or larger in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent, of 35 percent or more (by volume).","Clayey-skeletal or 4. Have a texture class of coarse sand, sand, fine sand, loamy coarse sand, loamy sand, or loamy fine sand in the fine-earth fraction.","Sandy or 5. Have a texture class of loamy very fine sand, very fine sand, or finer, including less than 35 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction (excluding Vertisols), and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Loamy or 6. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-loamy or 7. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, 15 percent or more (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-loamy or 8. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, less than 18 percent (by weight) clay.","Coarse-silty or 9. Have, in the fraction less than 75 mm in diameter, less than 15 percent (by weight) particles with diameters of 0.1 to 75 mm (fine sand or coarser, including gravel and artifacts 2 to 75 mm in diameter which are both cohesive and persistent) and, in the fine-earth fraction, 18 to less than 35 percent (by weight) clay (Vertisols are excluded).","Fine-silty or 10. Have 35 percent or more (by weight) clay (more than 30 percent in Vertisols) and are in a shallow family (defined below) or in a Lithic, Arenic, or Grossarenic subgroup, or the layer is a part in a strongly contrasting particle-size class (listed below).","Clayey or 11. Have (by weighted average) less than 60 percent (by weight) clay in the fine-earth fraction.","Fine or 12. Have 60 percent or more (by weight) clay.","Very-fine"]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"allic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Calcareous and Reaction Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":328,"description":"The presence or absence of carbonates, soil reaction, and the presence of high concentrations of aluminum in mineral soils are treated together because they are so intimately related. There are four classes calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic. These are defined below, in the key to calcareous and reaction classes. The classes are not used in all taxa, nor is more than one used in the same taxon. Use of the Calcareous Class The calcareous class is used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, Aquolls, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but it is not used for any of the following: 1. Calciaquolls, Natraquolls, and Argiaquolls 2. Cryaquolls and Duraquolls that have an argillic or natric horizon 3. Duraquands and Placaquands 4. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 5. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 6. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 7. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 8. Histels Use of the Acid and Nonacid Reaction Classes The acid and nonacid classes are used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but they are not used for any of the following: 1. Duraquands and Placaquands 2. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 3. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 4. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 5. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 6. Histels Use of the Allic Class The allic class is used only in the families of Oxisols. Control Section for Calcareous and Reaction Classes The control section for the calcareous class is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 25 cm or less below the mineral soil surface: A 2.5-cm-thick layer directly above the root-limiting layer. 3. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 26 to 50 cm below the mineral soil surface: The layer between a depth of 25 cm below the mineral soil surface and the root-limiting layer. 4. All other listed soils: Between a depth of 25 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface. The control section for the acid and nonacid classes is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. All other listed soils: The same control section depths as those for particle-size classes. The control section for the allic class is the same as that for particle-size classes. Key to Calcareous and Reaction Classes","criteria":["A. Oxisols that have a layer, 30 cm or more thick within the control section, that contains more than 2 cmol(+) of KCl- extractable Al per kg soil in the fine-earth fraction.","Allic B. Other listed soils that, in the fine-earth fraction, effervesce (in cold dilute HCl) in all parts of the control section.","Calcareous C. Other listed soils with a pH of less than 5.0 in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) (about pH 5.5 in H2 O, 1:1) throughout the control section.","Acid D. Other listed soils with a pH of 5.0 or more in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) in some or all layers in the control section.","Nonacid It should be noted that a soil containing dolomite is calcareous and that effervescence of dolomite, when treated with cold dilute HCl, is slow.","The calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic classes are listed in the family name, when appropriate, following the mineralogy and cation-exchange activity classes."]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"acid","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Calcareous and Reaction Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":328,"description":"The presence or absence of carbonates, soil reaction, and the presence of high concentrations of aluminum in mineral soils are treated together because they are so intimately related. There are four classes calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic. These are defined below, in the key to calcareous and reaction classes. The classes are not used in all taxa, nor is more than one used in the same taxon. Use of the Calcareous Class The calcareous class is used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, Aquolls, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but it is not used for any of the following: 1. Calciaquolls, Natraquolls, and Argiaquolls 2. Cryaquolls and Duraquolls that have an argillic or natric horizon 3. Duraquands and Placaquands 4. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 5. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 6. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 7. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 8. Histels Use of the Acid and Nonacid Reaction Classes The acid and nonacid classes are used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but they are not used for any of the following: 1. Duraquands and Placaquands 2. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 3. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 4. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 5. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 6. Histels Use of the Allic Class The allic class is used only in the families of Oxisols. Control Section for Calcareous and Reaction Classes The control section for the calcareous class is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 25 cm or less below the mineral soil surface: A 2.5-cm-thick layer directly above the root-limiting layer. 3. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 26 to 50 cm below the mineral soil surface: The layer between a depth of 25 cm below the mineral soil surface and the root-limiting layer. 4. All other listed soils: Between a depth of 25 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface. The control section for the acid and nonacid classes is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. All other listed soils: The same control section depths as those for particle-size classes. The control section for the allic class is the same as that for particle-size classes. Key to Calcareous and Reaction Classes","criteria":["A. Oxisols that have a layer, 30 cm or more thick within the control section, that contains more than 2 cmol(+) of KCl- extractable Al per kg soil in the fine-earth fraction.","Allic B. Other listed soils that, in the fine-earth fraction, effervesce (in cold dilute HCl) in all parts of the control section.","Calcareous C. Other listed soils with a pH of less than 5.0 in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) (about pH 5.5 in H2 O, 1:1) throughout the control section.","Acid D. Other listed soils with a pH of 5.0 or more in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) in some or all layers in the control section.","Nonacid It should be noted that a soil containing dolomite is calcareous and that effervescence of dolomite, when treated with cold dilute HCl, is slow.","The calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic classes are listed in the family name, when appropriate, following the mineralogy and cation-exchange activity classes."]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"kalkic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Calcareous and Reaction Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":328,"description":"The presence or absence of carbonates, soil reaction, and the presence of high concentrations of aluminum in mineral soils are treated together because they are so intimately related. There are four classes calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic. These are defined below, in the key to calcareous and reaction classes. The classes are not used in all taxa, nor is more than one used in the same taxon. Use of the Calcareous Class The calcareous class is used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, Aquolls, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but it is not used for any of the following: 1. Calciaquolls, Natraquolls, and Argiaquolls 2. Cryaquolls and Duraquolls that have an argillic or natric horizon 3. Duraquands and Placaquands 4. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 5. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 6. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 7. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 8. Histels Use of the Acid and Nonacid Reaction Classes The acid and nonacid classes are used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but they are not used for any of the following: 1. Duraquands and Placaquands 2. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 3. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 4. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 5. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 6. Histels Use of the Allic Class The allic class is used only in the families of Oxisols. Control Section for Calcareous and Reaction Classes The control section for the calcareous class is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 25 cm or less below the mineral soil surface: A 2.5-cm-thick layer directly above the root-limiting layer. 3. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 26 to 50 cm below the mineral soil surface: The layer between a depth of 25 cm below the mineral soil surface and the root-limiting layer. 4. All other listed soils: Between a depth of 25 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface. The control section for the acid and nonacid classes is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. All other listed soils: The same control section depths as those for particle-size classes. The control section for the allic class is the same as that for particle-size classes. Key to Calcareous and Reaction Classes","criteria":["A. Oxisols that have a layer, 30 cm or more thick within the control section, that contains more than 2 cmol(+) of KCl- extractable Al per kg soil in the fine-earth fraction.","Allic B. Other listed soils that, in the fine-earth fraction, effervesce (in cold dilute HCl) in all parts of the control section.","Calcareous C. Other listed soils with a pH of less than 5.0 in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) (about pH 5.5 in H2 O, 1:1) throughout the control section.","Acid D. Other listed soils with a pH of 5.0 or more in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) in some or all layers in the control section.","Nonacid It should be noted that a soil containing dolomite is calcareous and that effervescence of dolomite, when treated with cold dilute HCl, is slow.","The calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic classes are listed in the family name, when appropriate, following the mineralogy and cation-exchange activity classes."]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"calcareous","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Calcareous and Reaction Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":328,"description":"The presence or absence of carbonates, soil reaction, and the presence of high concentrations of aluminum in mineral soils are treated together because they are so intimately related. There are four classes calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic. These are defined below, in the key to calcareous and reaction classes. The classes are not used in all taxa, nor is more than one used in the same taxon. Use of the Calcareous Class The calcareous class is used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, Aquolls, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but it is not used for any of the following: 1. Calciaquolls, Natraquolls, and Argiaquolls 2. Cryaquolls and Duraquolls that have an argillic or natric horizon 3. Duraquands and Placaquands 4. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 5. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 6. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 7. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 8. Histels Use of the Acid and Nonacid Reaction Classes The acid and nonacid classes are used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but they are not used for any of the following: 1. Duraquands and Placaquands 2. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 3. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 4. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 5. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 6. Histels Use of the Allic Class The allic class is used only in the families of Oxisols. Control Section for Calcareous and Reaction Classes The control section for the calcareous class is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 25 cm or less below the mineral soil surface: A 2.5-cm-thick layer directly above the root-limiting layer. 3. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 26 to 50 cm below the mineral soil surface: The layer between a depth of 25 cm below the mineral soil surface and the root-limiting layer. 4. All other listed soils: Between a depth of 25 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface. The control section for the acid and nonacid classes is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. All other listed soils: The same control section depths as those for particle-size classes. The control section for the allic class is the same as that for particle-size classes. Key to Calcareous and Reaction Classes","criteria":["A. Oxisols that have a layer, 30 cm or more thick within the control section, that contains more than 2 cmol(+) of KCl- extractable Al per kg soil in the fine-earth fraction.","Allic B. Other listed soils that, in the fine-earth fraction, effervesce (in cold dilute HCl) in all parts of the control section.","Calcareous C. Other listed soils with a pH of less than 5.0 in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) (about pH 5.5 in H2 O, 1:1) throughout the control section.","Acid D. Other listed soils with a pH of 5.0 or more in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) in some or all layers in the control section.","Nonacid It should be noted that a soil containing dolomite is calcareous and that effervescence of dolomite, when treated with cold dilute HCl, is slow.","The calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic classes are listed in the family name, when appropriate, following the mineralogy and cation-exchange activity classes."]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Calcareous and Reaction Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":328,"description":"The presence or absence of carbonates, soil reaction, and the presence of high concentrations of aluminum in mineral soils are treated together because they are so intimately related. There are four classes calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic. These are defined below, in the key to calcareous and reaction classes. The classes are not used in all taxa, nor is more than one used in the same taxon. Use of the Calcareous Class The calcareous class is used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, Aquolls, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but it is not used for any of the following: 1. Calciaquolls, Natraquolls, and Argiaquolls 2. Cryaquolls and Duraquolls that have an argillic or natric horizon 3. Duraquands and Placaquands 4. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 5. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 6. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 7. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 8. Histels Use of the Acid and Nonacid Reaction Classes The acid and nonacid classes are used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but they are not used for any of the following: 1. Duraquands and Placaquands 2. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 3. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 4. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 5. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 6. Histels Use of the Allic Class The allic class is used only in the families of Oxisols. Control Section for Calcareous and Reaction Classes The control section for the calcareous class is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 25 cm or less below the mineral soil surface: A 2.5-cm-thick layer directly above the root-limiting layer. 3. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 26 to 50 cm below the mineral soil surface: The layer between a depth of 25 cm below the mineral soil surface and the root-limiting layer. 4. All other listed soils: Between a depth of 25 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface. The control section for the acid and nonacid classes is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. All other listed soils: The same control section depths as those for particle-size classes. The control section for the allic class is the same as that for particle-size classes. Key to Calcareous and Reaction Classes","criteria":["A. Oxisols that have a layer, 30 cm or more thick within the control section, that contains more than 2 cmol(+) of KCl- extractable Al per kg soil in the fine-earth fraction.","Allic B. Other listed soils that, in the fine-earth fraction, effervesce (in cold dilute HCl) in all parts of the control section.","Calcareous C. Other listed soils with a pH of less than 5.0 in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) (about pH 5.5 in H2 O, 1:1) throughout the control section.","Acid D. Other listed soils with a pH of 5.0 or more in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) in some or all layers in the control section.","Nonacid It should be noted that a soil containing dolomite is calcareous and that effervescence of dolomite, when treated with cold dilute HCl, is slow.","The calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic classes are listed in the family name, when appropriate, following the mineralogy and cation-exchange activity classes."]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"nonacid","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Calcareous and Reaction Classes of Mineral Soils","chapter":17,"page":328,"description":"The presence or absence of carbonates, soil reaction, and the presence of high concentrations of aluminum in mineral soils are treated together because they are so intimately related. There are four classes calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic. These are defined below, in the key to calcareous and reaction classes. The classes are not used in all taxa, nor is more than one used in the same taxon. Use of the Calcareous Class The calcareous class is used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, Aquolls, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but it is not used for any of the following: 1. Calciaquolls, Natraquolls, and Argiaquolls 2. Cryaquolls and Duraquolls that have an argillic or natric horizon 3. Duraquands and Placaquands 4. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 5. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 6. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 7. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 8. Histels Use of the Acid and Nonacid Reaction Classes The acid and nonacid classes are used in the names of the families of Entisols, Gelisols, Aquands, Aquepts, and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups, but they are not used for any of the following: 1. Duraquands and Placaquands 2. Sulfaquepts, Fragiaquepts, and Petraquepts 3. The Psamments, Psammaquents, Psammowassents, Psammoturbels, Psammorthels, and Psammentic subgroups that have no particle-size class 4. Sandy, sandy-skeletal, cindery, pumiceous, or fragmental families 5. Families with anhydritic, carbonatic, gypsic, or hypergypsic mineralogy 6. Histels Use of the Allic Class The allic class is used only in the families of Oxisols. Control Section for Calcareous and Reaction Classes The control section for the calcareous class is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 25 cm or less below the mineral soil surface: A 2.5-cm-thick layer directly above the root-limiting layer. 3. Soils with a root-limiting layer that is 26 to 50 cm below the mineral soil surface: The layer between a depth of 25 cm below the mineral soil surface and the root-limiting layer. 4. All other listed soils: Between a depth of 25 and 50 cm below the mineral soil surface. The control section for the acid and nonacid classes is one of the following: 1. All Gelisols (except for Histels) and all Gelic suborders and Gelic great groups: The layer from the mineral soil surface to a depth of 25 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. 2. All other listed soils: The same control section depths as those for particle-size classes. The control section for the allic class is the same as that for particle-size classes. Key to Calcareous and Reaction Classes","criteria":["A. Oxisols that have a layer, 30 cm or more thick within the control section, that contains more than 2 cmol(+) of KCl- extractable Al per kg soil in the fine-earth fraction.","Allic B. Other listed soils that, in the fine-earth fraction, effervesce (in cold dilute HCl) in all parts of the control section.","Calcareous C. Other listed soils with a pH of less than 5.0 in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) (about pH 5.5 in H2 O, 1:1) throughout the control section.","Acid D. Other listed soils with a pH of 5.0 or more in 0.01 M CaCl2 (1:2) in some or all layers in the control section.","Nonacid It should be noted that a soil containing dolomite is calcareous and that effervescence of dolomite, when treated with cold dilute HCl, is slow.","The calcareous, acid, nonacid, and allic classes are listed in the family name, when appropriate, following the mineralogy and cation-exchange activity classes."]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"dysic","group":"Organic Family","name":"Reaction Classes for Organic Soils","chapter":17,"page":332,"description":"Reaction classes are used in all families of Histosols and Histels. The two classes recognized are defined in the following key:","criteria":["A. Histosols and Histels that have a pH value, on undried samples, of 4.5 or more (in 0.01 M CaCl2 ) in one or more layers of organic soil materials within the control section for Histosols.","Euic or B. All other Histosols and Histels.","Dysic"]} {"DomainID":128,"classname":"euic","group":"Organic Family","name":"Reaction Classes for Organic Soils","chapter":17,"page":332,"description":"Reaction classes are used in all families of Histosols and Histels. The two classes recognized are defined in the following key:","criteria":["A. Histosols and Histels that have a pH value, on undried samples, of 4.5 or more (in 0.01 M CaCl2 ) in one or more layers of organic soil materials within the control section for Histosols.","Euic or B. All other Histosols and Histels.","Dysic"]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"udic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"typic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"aeric","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"ustic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"xeric","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"aridic (torric)","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"oxyaquic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"anthraquic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":131,"classname":"aquic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Subclasses","description":"Soil moisture subclasses are used to depict intragrades between Soil Moisture Regimes.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"coated","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"shallow","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"uncoated","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"cracked","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"ortstein","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":184,"classname":"micro","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Other Family Classes","description":"These are 'other' family-level differentiae as described in Soil Taxonomy.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"isofrigid","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"isohyperthermic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"isomesic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"hyperthermic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"mesic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"frigid","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"hypergelic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"isothermic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"thermic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"subgelic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":185,"classname":"pergelic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Soil Temperature Classes","chapter":17,"page":329,"description":"Soil temperature classes, as named and defined here, are used as part of the family name in both mineral and organic soils. Temperature class names are used as part of the family name unless the criteria for a higher taxon carry the same limitation. Thus, frigid is implied in all cryic suborders, great groups, and subgroups and would be redundant if used in the names of families within these classes. The Celsius (centigrade) scale is the standard. It is assumed that the temperature is that of a soil that is not being irrigated. Control Section for Soil Temperature The control section for soil temperature is either at a depth of 50 cm below the soil surface or at the upper boundary of a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower. The soil temperature classes, defined in terms of the mean annual soil temperature and the difference between mean summer and mean winter temperatures, are determined by the following key.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"ustic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"udic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"aquic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"xeric","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"perudic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"aridic (torric)","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":186,"classname":"peraquic","group":"Mineral or Organic","name":"Soil Moisture Regimes","chapter":3,"page":28,"description":"The term \"soil moisture regime\" refers to the presence or absence either of ground water or of water held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa in the soil or in specific horizons during periods of the year. Water held at a tension of 1500 kPa or more is not available to keep most mesophytic plants alive. The availability of water is also affected by dissolved salts. If a soil is saturated with water that is too salty to be available to most plants, it is considered salty rather than dry. Consequently, a horizon is considered dry when the moisture tension is 1500 kPa or more and is considered moist if water is held at a tension of less than 1500 kPa but more than zero. A soil may be continuously moist in some or all horizons either throughout the year or for some part of the year. It may be either moist in winter and dry in summer or the reverse. In the Northern Hemisphere, summer refers to June, July, and August and winter refers to December, January, and February. Normal Years In the discussions that follow and throughout the keys, the term \"normal years\" is used. A normal year is defined as a year that has: 1. Annual precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term (30 years or more) mean annual precipitation; and 2. Mean monthly precipitation that is plus or minus one standard deviation of the long-term monthly precipitation for 8 of the 12 months. For the most part, normal years can be calculated from the mean annual precipitation; however, when catastrophic events occur during a year, the standard deviations of the monthly means should also be calculated. The term \"normal years\" replaces the terms \"most years\" and \"6 out of 10 years,\" which were used in the previous edition of Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 1975). When precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the presence of aquic conditions, or number of days that the moisture control section is moist, or number of days that some part of the soil is saturated has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with below normal rainfall. Similarly, when precipitation data are evaluated to determine if the criterion for the number of days that the moisture control section is dry has been met, it is permissible to include data from periods with above normal rainfall. It is assumed that if the criteria are met during these periods, they will also be met during normal years.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":520,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Cation-Exchange Activity Classes","chapter":17,"page":327,"description":"The cation-exchange activity classes help in making interpretations about the nutrient-holding capacity of soils and their suites of colloids. The cation-exchange capacity is determined by NH4 OAc at pH 7 on the fine-earth fraction. The CEC of the organic matter, sand, silt, and clay is included in the determination. The criteria for the classes use ratios of CEC to the percent, by weight, of silicate clay, calculated by weighted average in the control section. In the following classes \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Percent carbonate clay must be subtracted from percent total clay before calculating the CEC to clay ratio. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section (or in a part of contrasting families), then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula: Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":520,"classname":"active","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Cation-Exchange Activity Classes","chapter":17,"page":327,"description":"The cation-exchange activity classes help in making interpretations about the nutrient-holding capacity of soils and their suites of colloids. The cation-exchange capacity is determined by NH4 OAc at pH 7 on the fine-earth fraction. The CEC of the organic matter, sand, silt, and clay is included in the determination. The criteria for the classes use ratios of CEC to the percent, by weight, of silicate clay, calculated by weighted average in the control section. In the following classes \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Percent carbonate clay must be subtracted from percent total clay before calculating the CEC to clay ratio. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section (or in a part of contrasting families), then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula: Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":520,"classname":"superactive","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Cation-Exchange Activity Classes","chapter":17,"page":327,"description":"The cation-exchange activity classes help in making interpretations about the nutrient-holding capacity of soils and their suites of colloids. The cation-exchange capacity is determined by NH4 OAc at pH 7 on the fine-earth fraction. The CEC of the organic matter, sand, silt, and clay is included in the determination. The criteria for the classes use ratios of CEC to the percent, by weight, of silicate clay, calculated by weighted average in the control section. In the following classes \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Percent carbonate clay must be subtracted from percent total clay before calculating the CEC to clay ratio. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section (or in a part of contrasting families), then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula: Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":520,"classname":"subactive","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Cation-Exchange Activity Classes","chapter":17,"page":327,"description":"The cation-exchange activity classes help in making interpretations about the nutrient-holding capacity of soils and their suites of colloids. The cation-exchange capacity is determined by NH4 OAc at pH 7 on the fine-earth fraction. The CEC of the organic matter, sand, silt, and clay is included in the determination. The criteria for the classes use ratios of CEC to the percent, by weight, of silicate clay, calculated by weighted average in the control section. In the following classes \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Percent carbonate clay must be subtracted from percent total clay before calculating the CEC to clay ratio. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section (or in a part of contrasting families), then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula: Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":520,"classname":"semiactive","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Cation-Exchange Activity Classes","chapter":17,"page":327,"description":"The cation-exchange activity classes help in making interpretations about the nutrient-holding capacity of soils and their suites of colloids. The cation-exchange capacity is determined by NH4 OAc at pH 7 on the fine-earth fraction. The CEC of the organic matter, sand, silt, and clay is included in the determination. The criteria for the classes use ratios of CEC to the percent, by weight, of silicate clay, calculated by weighted average in the control section. In the following classes \"clay\" excludes clay-size carbonates. Percent carbonate clay must be subtracted from percent total clay before calculating the CEC to clay ratio. If the ratio of percent water retained at 1500 kPa tension to the percentage of measured clay is 0.25 or less or 0.6 or more in half or more of the particle-size control section (or in a part of contrasting families), then the percentage of clay is estimated by the following formula: Clay % = 2.5(% water retained at 1500 kPa tension - % organic carbon). See appendix for more information.","criteria":[""]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"araric","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"artifactic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"ashifactic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"asphaltic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"combustic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"concretic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"dredgic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"gypsifactic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"methanogenic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"pauciartifactic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"pyrocarbonic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"spolic","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":5247,"classname":"not used","group":"Mineral Family","name":"Use of Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes","chapter":17,"page":323,"description":"Human-altered and human-transported material classes are only used in taxa of mineral soils where one of the following occurs: (1) human-altered or human-transported material extends from the soil surface to a depth of 50 cm or to a root-limiting layer, whichever is shallower; or (2) the soil classifies in an Anthraltic, Anthraquic, Anthrodensic, Anthropic, Anthroportic, Haploplaggic, or Plaggic extragrade subgroup (defined in chapter 3). In other taxa, the class is omitted from the family name and the parent material is identified at the soil series level. Examples of soils that use human-altered and human- transported material classes and formed in human-transported material are a fine, methanogenic, mixed, active, nonacid, thermic Anthrodensic Ustorthent, which was compacted during construction of a sanitary landfill, and a fine-loamy, spolic, mixed, active, calcareous, mesic Anthroportic Udorthent, which resulted from reclamation of a surface coal mine. An example of a soil using a human-altered and human-transported material class, which formed in human-altered material as a result of mechanical displacement of a preexisting natric horizon, is a fine, araric, smectitic, calcareous, thermic Anthraltic Sodic Xerorthent. Key to the Control Section for Human-Altered and Human-Transported Material Classes The control section for the human-altered and human- transported material classes is from the soil surface to one of the following depths, whichever is shallower:","criteria":["A. 200 cm; or","B. The lower boundary of the deepest horizon formed in human-altered or human-transported material; or","C. A lithic or paralithic contact."]} {"DomainID":521,"classname":"aniso","criteria":[null]} {"DomainID":521,"classname":"not used","criteria":[null]}