Package: soilDB 2.8.4

Andrew Brown

soilDB: Soil Database Interface

A collection of functions for reading soil data from U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA-NRCS) and National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) databases.

Authors:Dylan Beaudette [aut], Jay Skovlin [aut], Stephen Roecker [aut], Andrew Brown [aut, cre]

soilDB.pdf |soilDB.html
soilDB/json (API)

# Install 'soilDB' in R:
install.packages('soilDB', repos = c('', ''))

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162 exports 81 stars 4.59 score 16 dependencies 1 dependents 1 mentions 1.2k scripts 2.0k downloads

Last updated 1 days agofrom:a50d86efdf. Checks:OK: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKSep 06 2024
R-4.5-winOKSep 06 2024
R-4.5-linuxOKSep 06 2024
R-4.4-winOKSep 06 2024
R-4.4-macOKSep 06 2024
R-4.3-winOKSep 06 2024
R-4.3-macOKSep 06 2024



fetchNASIS(from='pedons') Columns

Rendered fromfetchNASIS.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Sep 06 2024.

Last update: 2024-06-17
Started: 2023-01-12

Map Unit Key Grids and Thematic Maps of Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data

Rendered fromwcs-ssurgo.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Sep 06 2024.

Last update: 2024-08-15
Started: 2023-06-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Soil Database InterfacesoilDB-package soilDB
Create a database from SSURGO ExportscreateSSURGO
Create a memory or file-based instance of NASIS databasecreateStaticNASIS
Create local NASIS database connectiondbConnectNASIS NASIS
Query a NASIS DBIConnectiondbQueryNASIS
Get SSURGO ZIP files from Web Soil Survey 'Download Soils Data'downloadSSURGO
Estimate color mixtures using weighted average of CIELAB color coordinatesestimateColorMixture
Estimate Soil Temperature RegimeestimateSTR
Get Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data from SoilWeb snapshotfetchKSSL
Query data from Kellogg Soil Survey Laboratory Data Mart via Soil Data Access or local SQLite snapshotfetchLDM
Get a pedon or component data 'SoilProfileCollection' from NASISfetchNASIS get_concentrations_from_NASIS_db get_phfmp_from_NASIS_db get_phorizon_from_NASIS_db
Get NCSS Pedon laboratory data from NASISfetchNASISLabData
Get component tables from NASIS Web ReportsfetchNASISWebReport get_chorizon_from_NASISWebReport get_component_from_NASISWebReport get_cosoilmoist_from_NASISWebReport get_legend_from_NASISWebReport get_lmuaoverlap_from_NASISWebReport get_mapunit_from_NASISWebReport get_progress_from_NASISWebReport get_projectmapunit2_from_NASISWebReport get_projectmapunit_from_NASISWebReport get_project_correlation_from_NASISWebReport get_project_from_NASISWebReport get_sitesoilmoist_from_NASISWebReport
Get Official Series Descriptions and summaries from SoilWeb APIfetchOSD
Get a SoilProfileCollection from a PedonPC v.5 databasefetchPedonPC getHzErrorsPedonPC
Get Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) datafetchRaCA
Get Daily Climate Data from USDA-NRCS SCAN (Soil Climate Analysis Network) StationsfetchSCAN SCAN_sensor_metadata SCAN_site_metadata
Get Spatial Data from Soil Data Access by 'mukey', 'nationalmusym' or 'areasymbol'fetchSDA_spatial
Get SoilGrids 2.0 Property Estimates for Points or Spatial ExtentfetchSoilGrids
Fetch Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6fetchSRI
Get vegetation plot data from local NASIS databasefetchVegdata get_vegplot_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_location_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_prodquadrats_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_speciesbasalarea_from_NASIS get_vegplot_species_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_textnote_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_transect_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_transpecies_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_transpoints_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_tree_si_details_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_tree_si_summary_from_NASIS_db get_vegplot_trhi_from_NASIS_db
Filter KSSL Geochemical Tablefilter_geochem
Format vector of values into a string suitable for an SQL 'IN' statement.format_SQL_in_statement
Get Soil Color Data from a local NASIS Databaseget_colors_from_NASIS_db
Get Soil Color Data from a PedonPC Databaseget_colors_from_pedon_db
Get component month data from a local NASIS Databaseget_comonth_from_NASIS_db
Get component data from a local NASIS Databaseget_component_cogeomorph_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_cogeomorph_data_from_NASIS_db2 get_component_copm_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_correlation_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_diaghz_from_NASIS_db get_component_esd_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_horizon_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_otherveg_data_from_NASIS_db get_component_restrictions_from_NASIS_db get_copedon_from_NASIS_db
Get a SoilProfileCollection from a SSURGO file geodatabasefetchGDB get_component_from_GDB get_legend_from_GDB get_mapunit_from_GDB
Get SSURGO/STATSGO2 Mapunit Data from Soil Data AccessfetchSDA get_chorizon_from_SDA get_cointerp_from_SDA get_component_from_SDA get_cosoilmoist_from_SDA get_legend_from_SDA get_lmuaoverlap_from_SDA get_mapunit_from_SDA
Get the Component Soil Moisture Tablesget_cosoilmoist_from_NASIS
Get Site Ecological Site Historyget_ecosite_history_from_NASIS_db
Get Ecological Dynamics Information Tool (EDIT) ecological sites by catalog (ESD/ESG) and MLRAget_EDIT_ecoclass_by_geoUnit
Get accessory tables and summaries from a local NASIS Databaseget_extended_data_from_NASIS_db
Get accessory tables and summaries from a local pedonPC Databaseget_extended_data_from_pedon_db
Get Horizon Data from a local NASIS Databaseget_hz_data_from_NASIS_db
Get Horizon Data from a PedonPC Databaseget_hz_data_from_pedon_db
Get lab pedon layer data from a local NASIS Databaseget_lablayer_data_from_NASIS_db
Get lab pedon data from a local NASIS Databaseget_labpedon_data_from_NASIS_db
Get Legend, Mapunit and Legend Mapunit Area Overlap Tablesget_legend_from_NASIS get_lmuaoverlap_from_NASIS get_mapunit_from_NASIS get_projectmapunit_from_NASIS
Get NASIS Metadata (Domain, Column and Choice Lists)get_NASIS_column_metadata get_NASIS_metadata
Get a NASIS table key by type and table nameget_NASIS_fkey_by_name get_NASIS_pkeyref_by_name get_NASIS_pkey_by_name get_NASIS_table_key_by_name
Get NASIS Table Metadata (Table and Column Descriptions)get_NASIS_table_metadata
Get NASIS 7 Physical Table Namesget_NASIS_table_name_by_purpose
Get Global Historical Climatology Network Daily (GHCND) data from NOAA APIget_NOAA_GHCND
Get NOAA station data near a given latitude and longitudeget_NOAA_stations_nearXY
Get Official Series Description Data from JSON, HTML or TXT sourcesget_OSD get_OSD_JSON
Get RMF data from local NASISget_RMF_from_NASIS_db
Get mapunit ecological sites from Soil Data Accessget_SDA_coecoclass
Get Geomorphic/Surface Morphometry Data from Soil Data Accessget_SDA_cosurfmorph
Get map unit hydric soils information from Soil Data Accessget_SDA_hydric
Get map unit interpretations from Soil Data Access by rule nameget_SDA_interpretation
Get Soil Data Access, Lab Data Mart and Web Soil Survey Usage Metricsget_SDA_metrics
Get map unit aggregate attribute information from Soil Data Accessget_SDA_muaggatt
Get map unit parent material group information from Soil Data Accessget_SDA_pmgroupname
Get map unit properties from Soil Data Accessget_SDA_property
Get Soil Data Viewer Attribute Informationget_SDV_legend_elements
Get Site Data from a local NASIS Databaseget_site_data_from_NASIS_db
Get Site Data from a PedonPC Databaseget_site_data_from_pedon_db
Get records from the Series Classification (SC) databaseget_competing_soilseries_from_NASIS get_soilseries_from_NASIS get_soilseries_from_NASISWebReport
Get Soil Inventory Resource (SRI) for USFS Region 6get_SRI
Get SRI Layersget_SRI_layers
Get text note data from a local NASIS Databaseget_cotext_from_NASIS_db get_mutext_from_NASIS_db get_text_notes_from_NASIS_db
Get vegetation data from a local NASIS Databaseget_veg_data_from_NASIS_db
Get Vegetation Data from an AK Site Databaseget_veg_from_AK_Site
Get Site and Plot-level Data from a Montana RangeDB databaseget_veg_from_MT_veg_db
Get Vegetation Data from an NPS PLOTS Databaseget_veg_from_NPS_PLOTS_db
Get cover composition data from a Montana RangeDB databaseget_veg_other_from_MT_veg_db
Get species-level Data from a Montana RangeDB databaseget_veg_species_from_MT_veg_db
Get Logic Errors in NASIS/PedonPC Pedon HorizongetHzErrorsNASIS
Get 800m gridded soil properties from SoilWeb ISSR-800 Web Coverage Service (WCS)ISSR800.wcs
Develop a Water Retention Curve from KSSL DataKSSL_VG_model
Example 'SoilProfilecollection' Objects Returned by 'fetchNASIS'.gopheridge loafercreek mineralKing
Check for presence of 'nasis_local' ODBC data sourcelocal_NASIS_defined
Make Ecological Dynamics Interpretive Tool (EDIT) web services URLmake_EDIT_service_URL
Generate chunk labels for splitting datamakeChunks
NASIS 7 Metadatametadata
Get Map Unit Key ('mukey') grid from SoilWeb Web Coverage Service (WCS)mukey.wcs
NASIS 7 Tables, Columns and Foreign KeysNASIS_table_column_keys
Work with NASIS Choice ListsNASISChoiceList
Get/Set Options for Encoding NASIS Domains as FactorsNASISDomainsAsFactor
Search full text of Official Series Description on SoilWebOSDquery
Parse contents of a web report, based on supplied arguments.parseWebReport
Post-process Well-Known Text from Soil Data AccessprocessSDA_WKT
Get SCAN and SNOTEL Station MetadataSCAN_SNOTEL_metadata state_FIPS_codes
Query Soil Data AccessSDA_query
Query Soil Data Access by spatial intersection with supplied geometrySDA_spatialQuery
Retrieve Soil Series Extent Maps from SoilWebseriesExtent
Get "siblings" and "cousins" for a given soil seriessiblings
Simplify Coarse Fraction DatasimplifyArtifactData simplifyFragmentData
Simplify Color Data by IDsimplifyColorData
Get 30m or 270m gridded soil soil color data from SoilWeb Web Coverage Service (WCS)soilColor.wcs
Get the soilDB environment used for storing error messages and quality control outputget_soilDB_env soilDB.env
Get SSURGO Data via Spatial QuerySoilWeb_spatial_query
Graphical Description of US Soil Taxonomy Soil Temperature RegimesSTRplot
Get data from Henry Mount Soil Temperature and Water DatabasefetchHenry month2season summarizeSoilTemperature
Get SoilWeb 800m Major Component Soil Taxonomy GridstaxaExtent
Convert coded values returned from NASIS and SDA queries into human-readable valuescode uncode
Timeline of US Published Soil Surveysus_ss_timeline
Compute Water Day and YearwaterDayYear
Web Coverage Services DetailsWCS_details